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Your Skin is Your Superhero: The Power of Skincare for Glowing and Healthy Skin

Your Skin is Your Superhero: The Power of Skincare for Glowing and Healthy Skin


Our skin is not just a protective layer; it is a superhero that safeguards us from external threats and keeps our body functioning optimally. As the largest organ and the most significant muscle in the human body, our skin deserves our utmost care and attention. In this article, we will explore the importance of skincare, particularly for dry skin, and discover how to unlock the superpowers of your skin for a radiant and glowing complexion.

Understanding Skincare: More than Meets the Eye

Skincare is not just about applying creams and lotions; it is a holistic approach to nourishing and protecting our skin. Our skin acts as a barrier, shielding us from harmful UV rays, bacteria, pollution, and other environmental stressors. It also helps regulate body temperature and maintains moisture balance, crucial for overall skin health.

The Battle Against Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common concern many individuals face, especially during colder months or in dry climates. It can lead to discomfort, itchiness, and a dull complexion. Adopting a skincare routine that replenishes moisture and supports the skin’s natural barrier function is essential to combat dryness.

skincare hacks to battle against dry skin

Hydration is Key

The first step towards revitalising dry skin is to ensure adequate hydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated from within. Additionally, use a hydrating cleanser that doesn’t strip away natural oils and opt for a moisturiser for dry skin. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides, which help attract and retain moisture, leaving your skin plump and supple.

To a good skincare hydration is key

Exfoliation for Renewal

Exfoliation is a crucial step in any skincare regimen, especially for those with dry skin. By gently removing dead skin cells, you allow fresh, healthier skin to emerge. Opt for a mild chemical exfoliant containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs). These gentle acids dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion.

Note – It is generally recommended to exfoliate dry skin 1-2 times a week to avoid over-exfoliation and irritation.

Protect and Shield your Skin

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is vital in maintaining health and preventing premature ageing. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even during cloudy weather. Sunscreens containing antioxidants like vitamin C provide additional protection against free radicals, ensuring your skin stays youthful and glowing.

Superfoods for Super Skin

Just as superheroes need a proper diet to fuel their powers, our skin thrives on a balanced and nutritious intake. Include antioxidant-rich foods, such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts, to promote collagen production and fight free radicals. Omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish, chia seeds, and walnuts can help maintain skin elasticity and reduce inflammation.

a good skincare routine should include a superfood diet

Your skin is indeed your superhero, tirelessly protecting you day in and day out. By investing in a skincare routine that focuses on hydration, exfoliation, and sun protection, you can unleash your skin’s full potential and achieve a glowing, healthy complexion. Remember, your skin’s health reflects your overall well-being, so treat it with the care and attention it deserves. To get more personalised care and guidance on your skin, speak to a dermatologist with just a few taps via oDoc!

Embrace the power of skincare and let your skin shine like the superhero it truly is! 

With these practices and a commitment to consistent skincare, you can unlock the superpowers of your skin, allowing it to thrive and reveal its natural radiance. So, embrace the power of skincare, make it a part of your daily routine, and let your skin shine like the superhero it truly is!



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Animal Protein vs Plant Protein: Understanding the Differences, Benefits and Drawbacks.

Animal Protein vs Plant Protein: Understanding the Differences, Benefits and Drawbacks.


Protein is an essential nutrient vital in various physiological functions within the human body. Regarding protein sources, animal and plant protein are two main categories individuals often consider. Both types offer unique characteristics, and understanding their differences can help you make informed dietary choices. This article will explore the disparities between animal and plant protein and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. So, let’s delve deeper into the world of protein!

Understanding Animal Protein

Animal protein is derived from animal sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. These sources are known for their high biological value and provide essential amino acids for proper functioning.

Definition and Sources of Animal Protein

Animal protein encompasses many foods and is widely available in the human diet. It is primarily obtained from animal sources, including:

  • Meat: Beef, pork, lamb, etc.
  • Poultry: Chicken, turkey, duck, etc.
  • Fish and seafood: Salmon, tuna, shrimp, etc.
  • Eggs: Chicken, quail, or duck eggs
  • Dairy products: Milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.

Nutritional Composition of Animal Protein

Animal protein is recognized for its complete amino acid profile, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids required by the human body. The body cannot synthesise these essential amino acids, which must be obtained from dietary sources. Animal protein also provides vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, depending on the specific animal source.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Animal Protein

Animal protein offers several benefits. It is a rich source of high-quality protein, which aids in muscle growth, repair, and maintenance. Additionally, animal protein contains essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, and zinc, which are more readily absorbed by the body than their plant-based counterparts.

However, there are certain drawbacks to consider. Some animal protein sources can be high in saturated fats and cholesterol, which may contribute to cardiovascular issues when consumed in excess. Moreover, animal agriculture has significant environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.

Compared to Animal protein vs plant protein. The Benefits of Animal protein.

Exploring Plant Protein

Plant protein is derived from plant-based sources such as legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, and certain vegetables. It offers a wide array of options for individuals following different dietary patterns, including vegans and those seeking to reduce their consumption of animal products.

Definition and Sources of Plant Protein

Plant protein can be found in various foods and ingredients, including:

  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, soybeans, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, etc.
  • Grains: Quinoa, brown rice, oats, wheat, etc.
  • Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, peas, Brussels sprouts, etc.

Nutritional Composition of Plant Protein

Plant protein sources often contain a good amount of fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and protein. While plant proteins may not always offer a complete amino acid profile, combining different plant protein sources can help achieve a balanced amino acid intake.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Plant Protein

Plant protein brings numerous benefits to the table, and it is generally lower in saturated fats and cholesterol compared to animal protein, making it heart-healthy. Plant-based diets have also been associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Some plant protein sources may be lower in certain essential amino acids, such as lysine or methionine. However, these amino acids can still be obtained with a varied and balanced plant-based diet. Additionally, some plant proteins may contain anti-nutrients, such as phytic acid, which can inhibit the absorption of certain minerals like iron and zinc. Proper cooking techniques and food combinations can mitigate this issue.

Compared to Animal protein vs plant protein. The Benefits of plant protein.

Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein

Now that we have explored the characteristics of animal and plant proteins individually let’s compare them to better understand their differences.

Protein Quality and Bioavailability

Animal protein is considered a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids in the proper proportions for human requirements. This makes it highly bioavailable, meaning the body can easily absorb and utilise these amino acids.

On the other hand, while some plant proteins may lack certain essential amino acids, combining different plant protein sources can result in a complete amino acid profile. For example, combining legumes with grains, nuts, and seeds can provide a diverse range of amino acids. This practice is essential for individuals following a vegan or vegetarian diet to ensure adequate protein intake.

Digestion and Absorption

Animal protein tends to be more easily digested and absorbed by the body due to its protein structure and amino acid composition. The digestibility of plant protein can vary depending on the source and processing methods. Cooking, soaking, or fermenting specific plant protein sources can enhance their digestibility and reduce the presence of anti-nutrients.

In conclusion, animal and plant proteins offer unique benefits and considerations. Animal protein provides a complete amino acid profile and is highly bioavailable, while plant protein brings numerous health benefits and is more sustainable. Integrating both types of protein into your diet can help you achieve a well-rounded and nutritionally balanced approach. Consider your dietary preferences, health goals, and environmental impact when choosing protein sources. You can learn more about making your diet effective by speaking to a dietician or nutritionist with just a few taps via the oDoc app



“Animal vs. Plant Protein — What’s the Difference?” Healthline, 17 June 2017,

“Plant vs. Animal Protein: Which Is Better for Building Muscle, Weight Loss.” Healthline, 14 April 2023,

“Animal Protein Versus Plant Protein: What’s the Difference?” WebMD, 15 November 2021,



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The Ultimate Guide to Developing a Self-Care Checklist

The Ultimate Guide to Developing a Self-Care Checklist


Self-care is more than just a buzzword. It’s an essential component of living a healthy and fulfilling life. However, making time for yourself can be challenging, especially when leading a busy life. This is where a self-care checklist comes in. This guide will walk you through creating a self-care checklist that works for you.

Assess Your Needs

The first step in creating a self-care checklist is to assess your needs. Take some time to think about what makes you happy, calm, and fulfilled. Maybe it’s reading a book, taking a walk, or practising yoga. Everyone has different needs, so it’s essential to identify what works best for you. Make a list of activities that make you feel good and prioritise them.

To create a self-care checklist you should first understand what you enjoying doing. It may be reading meditating or even walking with your pet
To create a self-care checklist you should first understand what you enjoying doing. It may sleeping or having good time with your friends.

Determine Your Availability

Once you’ve identified your self-care needs, the next step is to determine your availability. When can you realistically make time for these activities? Maybe it’s waking up 30 minutes earlier in the morning, taking a lunch break, or winding down at night. Whatever works best for you, schedule it in your calendar like you would any other appointment.

Make a Plan

Now that you’ve identified your needs and availability, it’s time to make a plan. Creating a personal development plan is an excellent way to organise your self-care activities. Start by listing activities you want to incorporate into your routine, then divide them into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. This way, you can ensure you take care of yourself consistently.

Prioritise Self-Care

It’s essential to prioritise self-care, just like any other important task. Getting caught up in work or other responsibilities is easy, but taking care of yourself should be a top priority. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first to be your best self for others.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Holding yourself accountable is vital to making your self-care checklist work. Check in with yourself regularly and evaluate if you are keeping up with your routine. If you find yourself falling behind, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, re-evaluate your plan and adjust it to fit your needs better. Remember, self-care is a journey; finding what works for you takes time.

Tips for Making Your Self-Care Checklist Work

Here are a few tips to help make your self-care checklist work for you:

  • Be realistic with your time commitments
  • Start small and gradually add more activities to your routine
  • Don’t be afraid to try new activities
  • Evaluate your plan regularly and adjust it as needed
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up

Importance of Self-Care Checklist in Personal Development

Having a self-care checklist is not just about taking care of your physical and මානසික සුවය; it can also significantly impact your personal development. You can develop self-awareness and self-confidence by making time for yourself and engaging in activities that make you happy and fulfilled. When you prioritise your own needs, you learn to value yourself and your well-being, which can lead to more significant personal growth. Caring for yourself can boost your creativity and productivity, helping you achieve your personal and professional goals. With a self-care checklist, you can make self-care a regular part of your routine, which can positively impact your overall personal development.

n conclusion, a self-care checklist is an excellent tool for prioritising your needs and well-being. By assessing your needs, determining your availability, making a plan, prioritising self-care, and holding yourself accountable, you can develop a self-care checklist that works for you. Don’t be afraid to try new activities and adjust your plan as needed. With these steps, you’ll be on your way to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

To know more ways to improve your self-care journey, speak to a general practitioner via oDoc today!


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Going to Bed Hungry. Is it Okay or Not?

Going to Bed Hungry. Is it Okay or Not?


It’s okay as long as you have consumed enough nutrition and vitamins throughout the day. 

Feeling the hunger pangs before hitting the bed happens under many circumstances. Some by choice, the others not. 

Reasons you Get Hungry Before Bed

Having irregular eating schedules can make you hungry close to bed. For instance, having a heavy lunch and skipping dinner and vice versa. Generally, it’s advised to have three main meals along with snacks in between. Sometimes, even your healthiest schedules can make you hungry. 

Then, if you’re cutting calories, following a restrictive diet or intermittent fasting, late night hunger is a common occurrence. Especially, if boundaries aren’t met in these different forms of diet.

Next, being tired all the time can trigger a hormone called ghrelin, which spikes up your food cravings. In addition to that, not getting enough sleep also leads to the triggering of a hormone called leptin. This can keep you hungry even after having a good meal. 

Note: Besides the above, malnutrition/undernutrition is also a reason to get hungry before sleep. This happens when you have no or less access to satiating food and consume less than 1800 calories a day. Aside from troubles with late night hunger and sleep, lack of nutrition can completely sabotage one’s physical and mental health. If you come across anyone having difficulties relating to this, help them out and direct them to a charity/non-profit organisation in your town. 

Side Effects of Going to Sleep Hungry

Sleeping is a peaceful activity so if you’re choosing to go to bed hungry and dissatisfied, it can be discomforting. This is mainly true if you are not preparing for a good dinner early at night. Here are a few side effects of skipping meals before bed. 

    1. Losing sleep: You won’t be able to sleep well, therefore, you are tired and the next day, your cravings skyrocket, you’re not eating well, and the cycle continues. 
    2. Gaining weight: If you think starving is the way to lose your weight, it’s incorrect. Depriving yourself of food all day can make you very hungry at night and you can end up eating a lot more before heading to bed. Aside from that,  late night eating can make your blood sugar rise up and lead to weight gain and other health concerns. 
    3. Losing muscle and shape: No matter how hard you workout to build strength and tone your body. If your nutrition game isn’t good enough, it will all come crashing down. Not giving your body enough protein and other necessary nutrients a couple of hours before sleep can be detrimental, especially in the long term. Why? At night, your body won’t have enough protein to convert to muscle, therefore, it will break down the existing muscles for energy. 
    4. Feeling weak: Your body is consuming a lot of energy around the clock. So, heading to bed hungry after a not-so-healthy meal isn’t going to work in your favour. Your body consumes energy even when you’re asleep therefore what you eat today will affect your energy level tomorrow. 

Should You Eat If You're Hungry before Bed?

It’s okay to choose to sleep over food IF you’ve eaten well throughout the day and feel a little bit hungry very close to bed. Your metabolism slows down and prepares for sleep around your regular bedtime so go with the flow and have a good night’s sleep. Also, having a meal right before sleeping can lead to indigestion, more calorie intake, and sleep-related problems. 

If you had an off day where you couldn’t eat on time, have your dinner, go for a walk and head to bed at least after 2 hours. Ideally, there should be a 3-hour gap between your dinner and bedtime. 

However, if you are about to sleep and hungry growling noises have started, it’s best not to sleep with discomfort. There are several healthy snacks that you can consume before bed and not have any issues with your sleep, stomach, and metabolism. 

What to Eat Before Sleeping?

Foods with amino acids: Eggs, chicken, fish, turkey, nuts

Whole grain foods: Crackers, cereal, bread

Aside from the above, kiwi, banana (with almond butter), protein smoothies, pumpkin seeds, yoghourt and green soybeans are great late-snacks!

going to bed hungry

What Foods to Avoid Before Sleeping?

Anything that is fried, greasy, spicy and sugar should be avoided. 

IMPORTANT: If you are following a healthy diet and eating pattern and still feeling very hungry close to bed on the regular, talk to a doctor. It could be related to your health, lifestyle or even any medications you consume. Via oDoc, this consultation can take place efficiently from the comfort of your home. Our network of highly-credible doctors and healthcare professionals are trained to assist you brilliantly that you wouldn’t even realise it’s a virtual appointment. Download the oDoc app here


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Moisturizers and Hydrators aren’t the Same Thing—Here’s Why

Moisturizers and Hydrators aren’t the Same Thing—Here’s Why


Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it needs a lot of water to function smoothly. And when it doesn’t, you are affected by a slew of health concerns. In addition to that, your skin starts to look dry, parched and dull.

 To internally nourish your skin, your diet will have to improve with lots of water and gut-health friendly foods. In addition to that, a good skincare routine is key. On the topic of skincare and hydration, people often assume hydrators and moisturizers to do the same function. In reality, they are both different products. In this article, we will list their key differences and present you with a few recommendations.

Moisturizers Vs. Hydrators—the key difference

Both the products help to keep your skin plumped and prevent dehydration. 

SCIENCE BEHIND DEHYDRATED SKIN: When your skin’s natural protective barrier is adequately hydrated, our skin is protected against the harmful effects of external threats like pollution, bacteria, and mold. Also, the water content in the cells allows the skin to expand, plump, bounce back into form, and glow from the within. So, when there isn’t enough hydration locked around the skin barrier and within the cells, your skin becomes dry and irritated.

So how do these two products help to keep your skin hydrated?

Hydrators infuse your skin cells with water and improve the moisture content of your skin and its protective barrier. However, moisturizers don’t fill your skin with water, instead they work to lock the skin cells with the moisture that’s already present in your skin. These are two different ways of hydrating your skin. 

When to use Hydrators?

If your skin visibly feels dry and dehydrated, consider using a hydrator as they come with humectants that can attract water from the environment. Dehydrated skin looks dry, dull, and has fine lines and wrinkles. Also, it’s patchy and prone to itching. 

An important thing to know is being aware of your skin type. This way, you will be treating the right problem and not getting anything that will damage your skin composition. 


For instance, having natural dry skin and dehydrated skin are two different things. The latter is a condition when the skin cells run out of water. And some people naturally have dry skin, in that case, a hydrator alone isn’t the solution. So, how can you tell if your skin is dehydrated or just dry in its true nature? Dehydrated skin is often dull and flaky, that’s how you know. 

Using Hydrators for the skin

Hydrator Recommendations

Picture of Hydrators

According to dermatologists, some of the best hydrating ingredients for dehydrated skin are hyaluronic acid, squalene, snail mucin, ceramides and glycerin. Even lactic acid and citric acid are considered as hydrators. 

For the everyday glow, look for products with the best mix of hydrating ingredients including glycerin. Also, test out products with snail mucin as they are proven to give glass-like skin and this is one of K-beauty’s favourite ingredients.

On that note, if your skin type is sensitive or acne-prone, look for suitable hydrating serums for face creams. Usually water-based hydrators work effectively with sensitive or oily skin. 

There are water-based serums with glycerin to hydrate along with soothing ingredients such as jojoba and aloe. In addition to that, there are also other lightweight hydrator options that are packed with ceramides, so they can drench your skin while supporting your skin barrier. 

When to use moisturizers?

Moisturizers are oil-based products that will lock in the moisture into your skin, which is needed for that seamless hydrated look. So, if your skin is normal but isn’t plump or bright enough, you absolutely need to incorporate a moisturizer. 

Unlike the hydrators that are advised to use if your skin is very dehydrated and dry, using a moisturizer is key for any skin type. Even if your skin is completely fine, moisturizing face creams are must-haves to maintain the hydration level in your skin. 

Using Moisturizers for the skin

Moisturizer Recommendations

You can start with beginner-friendly drugstore products. Always look out for fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products that help your skin stay clear of any allergies. In addition to that, pick moisturizers that won’t block your pores by making sure they are non-comedogenic. 

It’s always best to opt for thick moisturizers for dry skin. It needs to be a rich moisturizer that locks in the moisture you need on a daily basis while keeping the skin barrier safe. Basically, your face cream needs to keep your skin glowy by moisturizing your skin without irritating it.

And if you are looking for moisturizers for oily skin, pick a lightweight moisturizing face cream made with water-based ingredients. There are plenty of moisturizers that work effortlessly on sensitive skin with a matte finish. Some of them even come with the benefit of sun protection and anti-ageing properties. Regardless, always wear SPF! 

Picture of a Moisturizers


If you have to pick one between the moisturizer and hydrator, never skip the first one. Moisturizers are required to lock the everyday moisture in your skin and keep it plumped. However, it’s best to incorporate a hydrating product to make sure your skin is fed with hydrating properties, especially if you have dry skin. If it makes it easier, look at choosing products that give the benefit of moisture-locking moisturizers and hydrating hydrator serums, acids and ceramides. 

Skincare can be overwhelming so it’s best to consult a dermatologist who will provide a solution catering to your skin type, goals and budget. Via oDoc, all of this is possible in just one phone call. Download the app here: 


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